Dad fetched us to airport.
Checked in jac's bagpack (jmine's sister)
Rot at the macdonalds while i had my breakfast :D
not a good thing to have long name, they cut off my last letter, and i nearly got stopped at boarding gate.

went in boarding gate, and rot at the 'kopitiam'.
& before we board the plane....

but i got spot :x hahahah.
& at the plane, jessie was soooo xcited.
she nearly drove me crazy i swear.
they seriously look DAMN ALIKE right?!

(happy girl, got her window seat)
civilizedme :x
(of course i ended up sitting more chorlor.)
sunrise, baby!

CHIO ttm!
the immigration is damn screwed.
we waited for 40min before we got passed.
cabbed to CHATUCHAK with our barangsbarangs,
as we are only able to check in @ 2pm bkk time (SG 3pm)
settled on chicken noodle soup when we're there.

damn weird.
the portion is small. hahaha.
after chatuchak, when we're finally in the hotel.

these are my loots.
& jessie's.

(she wanted to give me a sexy pose with a twist,
and i told her not to twist. HAHAHA)
DINNER - ROOM SERVICE :D i like i like.

seems pretty small portion but we were quite satisfied.
OUT again. :D
tooooo.. ( i dont know what that place is call)

We had TASTY THAI :]
We had green curry, tom yum, phat thai :]
the mango smoothie is nap sot! :D

walked pass some thai's show and the guy went like..
" comeeeee 100baht only, comeeeee.. "
& he rub his fingers against my arms.
(yap couldnt stop laughing at this lah)
took the train and went back to chit lom which is our hotel area.

went back to the hotel after we bought some snacks.
but we still ordered room service after all.
yap hopped over to our room after her sis is asleep.

two of them K.O soon after.
& i was having insomnia :(
couldnt sleep, and damn scared too la! LOL!
cause i kept hearing people mumbling outside our door.
damn irritating.
breakfast was great :D
didnt manage to catch a picture of it. :x

this ass still camwhored when her eyes are red.
& caught unglam photos of me.

out to.... wholesale market :]

this is the tiny smelly alley that we had to walk pass everyday.

it's "M.A.C" looool.
Loots for Day 1 and half of day 2.
& im half dead.


Sat the free shuttle van to Siam Square.
then we head to platinum mall :D
they have veh pretty colourful taxi :D

went MBK.
first thing i bought there, are piglets paper. DAMN CUTE!
we shopped till we were hungry
and we settled down at bar-bo-q plaza.
it's damn nice i sweaar :D
and innovative. i like! hahahaha
in fact i think all of us like it .
funnies part is , they gave us a pot of "water" with 4 empty cups.
so i was like, jasmine pour water eh.
it was yellowish when she poured out, and when she wanted to drink,
the person behind was shouting " no no! soap!!! "
then im like :O SOAP! DONT DRINK!
hahahahaha in the end, she meant SOUP.
yap was embarrassed ttm.

this is the "pot"

then they found this hilarious brochure,
that says consult the technician for HAIR!
next up was platinum mall :D
we shopped like half of the shopping mall,
before we went up to eat.

they uses this card like our KOPITIAM.
but theirs can refund balance inside.
We had swensens ice cream
look at how much their earthquake cost only!
around 10bucks? :D
how much does singapore cost? o.o

they have chio glass btw.
jessie had a hard time choosing ice cream with me.
cause i dont eat chocolates.
but we settled on a chocolate ice cream though.
Time check: 12.22am.
i took like how long to blog day 1 to 2 ?!?!?
am heading out to meet the clique first :D
Time check: 6.02am
am back home, shall finish day 2 today.
& off to sleep.
here's the rest of our ice cream photos.

back to hotel afterwards.
night market after we put down our stuffs.
bought some stuffs.
then we went back to hotel with food and stuffs.
& i think jes and i kind of K.O 15min after..
trying of clothings; eating big feast...
and im about to K.O too.
goodnight :D
hope you enjoyed this post. haha!