i hope he sees this, cause you're an ASSHOLE!
Feel like changing my blogskin, but apparently im lazy to :P
maybe i should spend my whole day @ work
tomorrow changing my blogskin. idea..
oh yes, speaking of work,
am gonna work at Dhoby Xchange with melisa tomorrow :D
oh anyway,
i saw SS @ TPGX. The world is so smalll!!
( Singapore is small.. rather. )
okay some late photos :]
Worked at tpgx alone during new year eve,
cause jessie goh was sick.
was effing bored at work man, i literally rotted thru out.
except that i watched shrek 3 thr uh. LOOOOOOOL.
LV came for awhile when i was knocking off.
went back home, and got rdy, went off to jasmine's crib,
for steamboat.
then we kind of chilled at her room, zi high-ed, cam-whored.
and so on :D
& at 12am, i literally jumped onto jasmine,
& they all never continue the taupok! :@
then.. i was actually shouting across to another block,
communicating with one ahpek who was waving at me in dialect.
they just kept laughing.
snakey's her best friend.
& thanks!!!!!!!!!!! LV!!!!!! :D
have a new piggy to my collection :P
& the day jessie and i was watching horror movie @ TPGX.
after we finished our movie, we actually saw a program that's 'GHOST' ?!
so we decided to click.
& what? " ghost cannot run on windows based systems "
Dear god,
I want to dedicate all the birthday wishes i can have to that someone who plays the most important role in my life and upbringing, &the only thing i hope for is for the wishes to come true. Please let me believe you exist.