haha okay i promised not to blog but .. no .
okay, anyway, basically i've been studying hard.
so a lil of computer won't hurt right?
i wished it's PSLE this time :P
so that i can still play maplestory till late midnights.
okay crap.
something... motivational? [:
You enter the examination hall, the moment you flip your exam booklet open.
2 possible thinking you'll have:
1. You'll go like " SHIT! i knew about this but i didnt study about it! " & then you go blank and clueless about what to write.
2. You'll go like " YES! the one i studied came out" & then you go scribble scribble scribble about everything you studied.
So, choose your path!
would you rather be helpless during exam or would you rather have shortage of time to write your answers?
Best wishes for 'o' level! [: