tik talk![:

Friday, October 16, 2009

Prolly the last time im posting here before O level.
but i'll still be twitting with my phone :D

yesterday was the last day of school, emo shitzx.
it's the last day of SCHOOLING to be exact.
we still have to head back to school for a few days here and there.
&6 more days to science practical.

Took pictures here and there yesterday.
but we didnt have that "Primary 6s leaving school, atmosphere"
we still have that one last lap to go.

Mr Tsung dedicated an emo song to us, so sweet of him. haha!
i want my kota kinabalu trip okay!!

Sincerely wish every single one taking 'O' level THIS YEAR,
ALL THE BEST, & hope you do well [:
esp, my women ;)

i guess, i shouldnt be touching the com till my 'o' level ends.
HAHA, am afraid i can't with 2 coms at home :\
BUT i will tryyyy my best .

See you after 'O', Readers! but keep tagging :D