tik talk![:

Friday, November 06, 2009

short hair? jasmine say i look like ball!

two ponytails? HAHAHAHA!

oh i can upload the webcam pictures! hahaha!

i believe in fate and destiny.
What's meant to be yours, will be yours eventually.

okay initially i wanted to blog with photos
but i couldnt due to errors.
damn it, i have tons of pictures to upload.

(& dude i finally got in msn! so much for waiting)

anyway, i've lost >half of my readers since i stopped blogging.
haha, i hope they comes back.
oh people, do click on the nuffnang ads once at least,
just 10plus bucks more.
you only need to help me by clicking on the ad [:

when i logged into nuffnang today,
i realised quite a number of people were interested in my love life.
hahaha, they searched things like " josephine goh and boyfriend "
and many more.
& all i can fill you in is, i'm not a BITCH.
if you know the details, without knowing mine,
i just have something to say..
is to know both sides of story before you interpret anything[:
please, be fair for me.

am supposed to be going to school tmr to teach juniors,
SYF dance but the thing is, i think i've clean forgotten everything.

& i headed to town the ytd(wed) after i finished
my major exams with jasmineee [:
initially watching jennifer's body but time slot not available!
so we watched LOVE HAPPENS.
i have no idea why i kept laughing at the sad scenes.
and is like frigging paiseh cause the whole cinema was so quiet.
( i had to laugh voicelessly. )

okay, i think it's kind of getting wordy.
will blog more once i get to upload the pictures :D