& it's all in .. random order i think.
manual bbq-ing at yishun dam with
Brother, jessie, jon, huizhen, lincoln, jocelynn & zhn.
was kind of astonished by how jon's creativity took hand.
well, just take a look at the.. limited photos, the rest are at my facebook.
&& random:
Thanks zian for the lovely note when she lend me her calculator [:
i have another two from my SPOUSE and SUZ, have not uploaded them.
The other day at white tangerine cafe, we finally got to eat
their main course, which i think it's not VERY ex.
& delicious food when i'm absurdly hungry.
on the same day,
hongkong cafe supper with my bro and jessie.
the insect that irritated us before chemistry O.
& then.. class photos from Carina [:
thanks melisaBABY for taking the photos! :D

miss them so much.
crashed jessie's house last night.
with jasmine.
mahjong-ed and then cheers for supper.
they watched mr bean while i kept dozing off
cause it's 6 in the morning!
jasmine made me walked thousand miles before i get to cab home.
slept till 4plus, went hougang mall to find the stylist because
i think my rebonded hair don't look rebonded.
but RAAAH! it's due to my super layered hair D:
met jessie at compass for dinner and dark cherry mocha frappe [:
did 4 mcq papers & mah *** *** came.
home at ard 11plus.
never expected this.. AT ALL.