tik talk![:

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

slept till like 4pm.
& head to chompchomp with JJM.
quite a fruitful one because we had a great laugh [:
ate and then we walked to another end of the area.
ran after cars;
taking photos across the road;
& being as crazy as we could.
just then someone just came over to jessie and went..
"excuse me, my friend thinks you're very cute, and wants your number"
usual pick up line but i just burst out laughing at jessie not him.
he got rejected by her, but we helped him get her number. AHAHHA!

okay, that part is funny but i have no idea how to explain.

another crazy idea of ours,
took 136 and decided to alight at the _th bus stop
based on the numbers we gave.
Me : 7
Jasmine : 13
Melisa : 2
Jessie : 4

& it's like total of 26.
Ended up at punggol.
had to walk all the way via the flyover and to rivervale mall.
before they left for home while lincoln fetched me
since he was going to my house to get some stuffs :D

yeah and home i was.
to great disappointments again..

& this is the video of us running after car!