tik talk![:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

With 10+ readers now, i bet no one ever realise when i update my blog.
just wondering if i should go back to blogging. LOL.
miss blogging much..

Holiday for like 3 months and school's like starting TMR!
dreading school dreading school :(

Shall update about my genting trip with family and linc[bro's friend]

Drove there and the last time i went there was with jas jes jaron & family.
3 yrs ago? LOL.
i remember how my dad used to just decide to go genting 1 day before,
and the next day we are on our way there almost every week. so shiok.

Love cold weather like totally.
i was merely wearing a tee and a pair of shorts when i was there.
enjoy the weather where singapore will never have. haha.

And after 234235234 times of going genting,
i finally went into the snow world or smth you call that.
it's -9 degrees Celsius there but.. SHIOK!
but honestly...
their jacket, gloves and boots stinks like hell.
and the boots were soaking wet.
like Ewwwww?
we kept taking pictures inside and keep getting reminded by the rangers thr.

Their dim sum at genting hotel has always been NAP! (Y)

 Yeah that's my mama and papa!

 outside with tee and shorts = SHIOK. haha!

 I look like my dad more than i look like my mum right? heh.

 linc me and broooo.

& then we went down to KL on the second day afternoon.
Shopping at the largest mall in KL with 10+ storeys i think.
i thought it'll be a good mall but nah! twit stuffs everywhere :\
but isn't that balloon below chio?! so wanna bring it back home.

Was supposed to stay in KL for the last night but all of us couldnt take the frigging
hot weather in KL, so back to genting!
& this time we stayed in theme park hotel.
their family suite is so big! and it only cost my dad 31 points. 

 oh yeah, and i frigging went into the casino ;)
the securities are stupid enough to believe im 21 when i walked past them.
only for genting casino. First world's has got like 5 security guards to stop me. D:
anw first time in casino is amazing.
although im like a sua ku, beginner's luck got me to won 400RM ;)

Here's the family suite i was talking about.

On the way back to Singapore.
Stopped by a place that sells soft toys EVERYWHERE.
Like some street market. but all they have was BEARS BEARS AND MORE BEARS.
they dont like pigs apparently.

  oh yeah this is the first day when we were waiting to check in FirstWorld.
taken by Iphone 4. The camera is sooooooooooo (Y) right?

End of genting trip, hope i didnt bore you with those genting genting stuffs.

Cant believe school's like TOMORROW, once again.
Got into entrepreneurship projects for my CDS.
but i just got to know that HTM students have to frigging take2 CDS this sem.
WDF? HTM students are stress enough for god's sake man.