tik talk![:

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

1 year 9 months of Hiatus!

Dear Diary?

How long has it been since i last wrote an entry for my blog?
Like 1 year 9 months or so. And to have read my previous blog entry, made me realized how much things has changed over the 21 months.

1. I'm almost done with tertiary, having my internship at Singapore Marriott Hotel with Chin Yi.
2. I have had my driving license for more than a year which makes me a NON probational driver! (Cheers to that!)
3. My life's had a few changes which i wouldn't elaborate.
4. I'm enjoying my life at Marriott.

&&& I'm caught up at work now for Christmas Sales! :)

Would love to post some pictures but am too lazy to.
Next time perhaps! I'll try to update. Promise.
 Doubt i have any readers right now but that's fine.
